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Portable apps usually offer the same functionality and advantages as the regular versions of your fa...
The Best Portable Apps for Your Software Toolbox
2024-05-17 12:19
While chiplets have been in use for decades, they've been employed sparingly and for very specific p...
What Are Chiplets and Why They Are So Important for the Future of Processors
2024-05-17 12:16
It's hard to overemphasize how far computers have come and how they have transformed just about ever...
A Brief History of the Multi
2024-05-17 12:05
This is the first part of an investigation into game streaming, a topic that we've been requested on...
Game Streaming Investigation: Which Quality Settings Are Best?
2024-05-17 11:44
Today we're going to review the sub-$200 graphics card market and see how it compares to what we wer...
2016's $170 GPU vs. 2019's $170 GPUs
2024-05-17 11:30
A lot has been said about 8GB graphics cards over the past year, and much of that discussion was spa...
4GB vs. 8GB: How Have VRAM Requirements Evolved?
2024-05-17 11:16
This is the third installment in our CPU design series. In Part 1, we covered computer architecture...
How CPUs are Designed, Part 3: Building the Chip
2024-05-17 11:15
Welcome back for our monthly GPU pricing update, the last one of the year. In today's article we hav...
GPU Pricing Update, Year in Review: Price Trends Charted
2024-05-17 10:59
Founded in 1993, Nvidia is a youngster when compared to other semiconductor companies. However, its...
Top 10 Most Significant Nvidia GPUs of All Time
2024-05-17 10:53
In our last massive CPU and GPU scaling benchmark, we put Zen 3 series processors to the test, and w...
4 Years of Ryzen 5, CPU & GPU Scaling Benchmark
2024-05-17 10:29
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