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You've just bought a new gaming desktop, or a laptop for the office. Maybe you've upgraded your comp...
21+ Programs to Analyze and Benchmark Your Hardware
2024-05-19 08:38
Here's a confession: I haven't built a PC from scratch in almost a decade. Sure, I've replaced RAM,...
Rob's Alder Lake Windows 11 Rig Build Log
2024-05-19 08:19
What a difference a year makes. It was about this time last year that we discussed why building a ga...
Why Building a Gaming PC Right Now is a Good Idea: Good Timing, Great Hardware, Right Prices
2024-05-19 07:59
PCI Express is a technology that consistently makes headlines, with new specifications boasting ever...
The Inner Workings of PCI Express
2024-05-19 07:36
The Web is turning 30 years old this month and clearly we've come a long way since Tim-Berners Lee w...
The World Wide Web Turns 30: A Timeline
2024-05-19 07:36
We all think of the CPU as the "brains" of a computer, but what does that actually mean? What is goi...
How CPUs are Designed and Built
2024-05-19 07:23
Resident Evil 3 is a remake of the PlayStation original released back in 1999. The game follows Jill...
Resident Evil 3 Benchmarked
2024-05-19 06:51
Are you struggling with sluggish scrolling or muted movement? Are the default settings in Windows ca...
Magically Master Your Mouse Movement
2024-05-19 06:47
For the return of our monthly GPU pricing updates, we took a break last month due to all the graphic...
Nvidia and AMD Price Cut Battle, Great GPUs Discontinued
2024-05-19 06:41
Seeing how quickly AMD Ryzen processors are flying off the shelves, it's not hard to see the desktop...
What Happened Last Time AMD Beat Intel?
2024-05-19 06:17
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