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Is there anything so satisfying to watch as a well-played Mariospeedrun? What makes an expert run of...
Music is the secret weapon of Mario Speedrunners
2024-05-18 20:44
Today we'll be doing a follow up on our initial Cyberpunk 2077 benchmark coverage with a look at how...
Cyberpunk 2077 DLSS + Ray Tracing Benchmark
2024-05-18 20:43
For a quarter of a century, the USB port has been a faithful old friend. Connecting and powering our...
How USB Works: From 'Plug and Pray' to Being Everywhere
2024-05-18 20:36
Because not much has been going on in the gaming GPU market, we decided that for this month's GPU pr...
GPU Shootouts of This Generation and Pricing Update
2024-05-18 20:23
So you're in the market for a new monitor or laptop and you check out the specs for the screen. It h...
What is HDR?
2024-05-18 19:56
Founded in 1993, Nvidia is a youngster when compared to other semiconductor companies. However, its...
Top 10 Most Significant Nvidia GPUs of All Time
2024-05-18 19:47
Doom Eternal is the series' latest demon-killing romp, bringing more weapon variety, more movement p...
DOOM Eternal PC Graphics Benchmark
2024-05-18 19:44
The first 3D graphics cards appeared 25 years ago and since then their power and complexity have gro...
25 Years Later: A Brief Analysis of GPU Processing Efficiency
2024-05-18 19:33
What a difference a year makes. It was about this time last year that we discussed why building a ga...
Why Building a Gaming PC Right Now is a Good Idea: Good Timing, Great Hardware, Right Prices
2024-05-18 18:55
Our final GPU pricing update of the year brings some interesting data points considering we've final...
GPU Pricing Update: Was AMD's Radeon RX 7000 Launch a Success?
2024-05-18 18:53
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