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Direct3D. OpenAL. Winsock. You've probably heard of these, you might have even usedthem before, but...
Explainer: What is an API?
2024-05-20 20:49
It's always tough to recommend budget smartphones to prospective buyers. For less than $200 (and no...
5 Affordable Last
2024-05-20 20:49
You've just bought a new gaming desktop, or a laptop for the office. Maybe you've upgraded your comp...
21+ Programs to Analyze and Benchmark Your Hardware
2024-05-20 20:41
Enthusiasts have been pushing the limits of silicon for as long as microprocessors have existed. Ear...
The Most Memorable Overclocking
2024-05-20 19:46
You just shelled out your hard-earned dollars for the latest AAA game to play on your treasured gami...
Shader Compilation and Why It Causes Stuttering, Explained
2024-05-20 19:37
Skyrim was released over three years ago! In video game terms it's a senior citizen, and by all righ...
The Best Skyrim Mods
2024-05-20 19:21
Update:This article has been updated for late 2017 here.If you're in the market for a new phone and...
Better Buy: Previous
2024-05-20 19:15
Have you ever noticed when you go into Windows to optimize your storage drives, it says retrim for S...
Explainer: What is SSD Trimming?
2024-05-20 18:44
With the shortage of graphics cards, which are currently selling at several times their MSRP, even g...
Boutique PC Builders vs OEM Pre
2024-05-20 18:33
Today, multiplayer gaming is easy. You hop onto a game, press "play online," and in moments, you're...
What Ever Happened to GameSpy?
2024-05-20 18:28
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