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We're hardly two weeks into 2018 and it's been a wild ride for the tech industry already (CES notwit...
Why Building a Gaming PC Right Now is a Bad Idea, Part 2: Insane Graphics Card Prices
2024-05-19 02:43
Dual booting is a great way to get the best of both worlds of Windows and Linux. It’s relatively str...
Dual Booting: Windows and Ubuntu
2024-05-19 02:42
For a quarter of a century, the USB port has been a faithful old friend. Connecting and powering our...
How USB Works: From 'Plug and Pray' to Being Everywhere
2024-05-19 02:40
Are higher refresh rates better for gaming? Yes, they are. In this article we'll explain why refresh...
Why Refresh Rates Matter: From 30Hz to 540Hz
2024-05-19 02:33
As awareness of global surveillance grows, more people are looking for information about the Five Ey...
A Surveillance Primer: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
2024-05-19 02:28
In the mid 1990s, the internet had no Facebook, Google or even Wikipedia. If you wanted to use the w...
What Ever Happened to GeoCities?
2024-05-19 02:21
Have you ever noticed when you go into Windows to optimize your storage drives, it says retrim for S...
Explainer: What is SSD Trimming?
2024-05-19 02:06
What a difference a year makes. It was about this time last year that we discussed why building a ga...
Why Building a Gaming PC Right Now is a Good Idea: Good Timing, Great Hardware, Right Prices
2024-05-19 01:19
AMD is one of the oldest designers of large scale microprocessors and has been the subject of polari...
The Rise, Fall and Revival of AMD
2024-05-19 00:33
Over the past few weeks we've been looking into and exploring the world of FreeSync 2. Now this isn'...
FreeSync 2 Explained
2024-05-19 00:21
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