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Something we've been hearing a lot this year is that PC gaming is not in great shape, how there's a...
2016's $400 GPU vs. 2019's $400 GPUs
2024-05-18 18:11
Today we're going to be diving a little deeper into overclocking the new Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti...
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti Overclocking Guide
2024-05-18 17:26
Resident Evil 3 is a remake of the PlayStation original released back in 1999. The game follows Jill...
Resident Evil 3 Benchmarked
2024-05-18 17:24
Doom Eternal is the series' latest demon-killing romp, bringing more weapon variety, more movement p...
DOOM Eternal PC Graphics Benchmark
2024-05-18 17:16
What are pixels? The display on your screen is made of them, and raster image file formats have been...
What Ever Happened to The Million Dollar Homepage?
2024-05-18 17:11
The jump scare is a trope used in many horror video games. It features a build-up of suspense, the m...
Interview: What is it Like to Develop a Game in VR?
2024-05-18 17:05
So you're in the market for a new monitor or laptop and you check out the specs for the screen. It h...
What is HDR?
2024-05-18 16:48
The video game landscape is filled with long-running first-person shooter franchises, from the incre...
17 Years of Far Cry
2024-05-18 16:47
It's easy to think of the desktop CPU space as a duopoly: on the one hand you have Intel finally tra...
Not Intel, Not AMD: Alternative CPU Architectures from Around the World
2024-05-18 16:46
For a quarter of a century, the USB port has been a faithful old friend. Connecting and powering our...
How USB Works: From 'Plug and Pray' to Being Everywhere
2024-05-18 15:57
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